About six per cent of males between the ages of fifteen and fifty struggle with infertility. Male infertility can be caused by a variety of problems. If men wants to quickly have children or want to overcome fertility problems, they should try eating bananas regularly. This is because bananas can increase male fertility.
Banana has now a new benefit apart from increasing your weight it increases your sperm count and makes the sperm more fertile.
About six per cent of males between the ages of fifteen and fifty struggle with infertility. Male infertility can be caused by a variety of problems. If men wants to quickly have children or want to overcome fertility problems, they should try eating bananas regularly. This is because bananas can increase male fertility.
Being extremely high in potassium and low in salt makes the banana a perfect perfect snack for people with high blood pressure. The US FDA has recently allowed the banana industry to make official claims for the fruit’s ability to reduce the risk of blood pressure and stroke. A Singapore-based urological expert says that a man can increase his fertility by eating bananas regularly every 3 days. Substances contained in bananas is what is claimed could enhance fertility.
Senior sexologist Dr Prakash Mathur says” low sperm count is one of the fertility challenge that affect men who have been trying to get their wives pregnant. Well there are numbers of factors which are affecting the production of sperms and therefore most of infertile guys are looking for ways to increase their sperm count. Every man is expected to produce sperm that can fertilise the female egg but if the sperm produced by a male is below normal conditions, it is known as oligospermia. Thus in order to cure it, bananas are the most effective way for male fertility”.
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